What is Patient Advocacy

What is Patient Advocacy

Too often, people get lost in the health care system.  Frequently, people are caught receiving treatment that doesn’t address their medical issues.  Or, being denied the care they need.  These problems may create suffering and unnecessary costs.   What can you do?

For one, you can call on a Patient Advocate to assist.  Patient Advocates work hard to ensure that patients get the correct medical treatment.  You can trust the Patient Advocacy work at Complete Dignity.  They work hard to communicate with patients, families, physicians, therapists, and others involved in the individual’s care to obtain complete and accurate information.  In brief, your Patient Advocate will:

  • Develop a comprehensive Healthcare Case Management Plan
  • Serve as your primary contact
  • Review and explain your medical findings
  • Assess if your medical bills are correct
  • Advocate across a range of care – hospitals, medical providers, rehabilitation centers, and home health


Without a doubt, consider contacting the Patient Advocates at Complete Dignity.  They are here to help.  Contact them at https://completedignity.com or 480-356-9662


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